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Euro Mud
Lab.oratory Berlin Mud Party
Submitted by Barroskin on 28 December, 2015 - 20:20Well - they seem to have done it again! The Lab web page for May, shows the 28th (the usual day for the first mud party of that weekend) as something else. This happened a couple of years ago. Mudmoose has e-mailed them to get confirmation so we'll have to wait and see.
muddy locations in NRW germany
Submitted by zocler3000 on 12 November, 2015 - 22:24Are there any good muddy places in NRW?
Republic of Ireland
Submitted by irishmudder on 9 August, 2015 - 23:15Hi there guys, first timer in the mud just wondering if anyone knows of some decent spots in the Dublin area? Really desperate at this stage, sick of looking at all you lucky lads with your great spots!
Back In France For A Few Months
Submitted by Muddy_wolf on 8 June, 2015 - 19:44Back working in France, this time up around FeCamp... got my own wheels this time so I can travel a little more. I'm not working this weekend or next however I will have every Sunday off for now. Didn't bring much in the way of gear... Too heavy for my one suitcase, but I did bring my wetsuit, gloves and wetsuit boots... PM me if you have the time to get together. Would also like to get up to the UK but dont know how far of a drive that would be to good mud.
Steppenbrand 2015
Submitted by Mucky mind on 21 December, 2014 - 11:07Hi mudders
Steppenbrand 2015 is 10/12th July. This is a great location if you really want to enjoy your fetish at an ex-army camp in NE Germany. It is a bit of a treck but well worth it. They always have a mud pit amongst other areas for fun.
NO Lab Mud Party
Submitted by Mucky mind on 17 September, 2014 - 14:26No Lab Mud party this year guys :-(
Cowshit in The Netherlands / Germany / Belgium
Submitted by sneaker on 14 July, 2014 - 15:59Does anyone in The Netherlands / Germany / Belgium know a location to play around in cowshit?
Anyone that wants to go play together with me? ;)
mud in france
Submitted by Muddy_wolf on 17 May, 2014 - 01:12I am from the USA, comming to France in a month for work... Do not speak much French but looking for good mud while I'm there. Message me.
Steppenbrand 2014
Submitted by muddyboots on 5 February, 2014 - 21:25 Registration for the 10th Steppenbrand is now open.
Lab Mud Party 26. October
Submitted by muddyboots on 13 August, 2013 - 11:15The lab have finally sorted their act out and have updated their website. Not sure if there is an after party on the Sunday but will assume so.
Maybe my nagging emails worked...