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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Lockdown mud

Has anyone in the UK been out for a muddy adventure since the easing of the lockdown conditions?

new forest

I am hoping to have a few days in the New forest in June-virus permitting- Can anyone point me towards some muddy places there. I like deep mud but happy in anything muddy A meet would be great but not essential jeans & tee to get muddy in

watersports/piss in Europe

hey guys, for those of you in Europe...can you let me know the places with Watersports events in Europe...or place where we can get pee on those cruise clubs??

I know : LAB ( berlin ), secteur x ( paris ), S.O.P ( london ). Le mensch (paris )

do u guys know other places that have watersports / wet area over there???

Mud slave for Low Lane Farm

Anyone out there needing a mud slave to spend a long weekend working and slogging in a thick sucking mire? I need to get boots and ovvies covered inside and out until the weight of mud pushes me down into the sticky gunk ....

Thursday muddying at canvey

Anyone interested in mudding at canvey on Thursday ? 


is there anyone who wants to go mudding in waders,chestwaders,oilskins,mackintoshes,gauntlets,gasmasks ,hoods must have own ear esp waders the more the merrier

Blisworth Wild n Woolly 2019

Having visited the Blisworth area in late August, I saw no evidence of construction work starting on Rail Central. Northamptonshire Motorcycle Club also have Blisworth Wild n Woolly listed as an event on their web page, so it looks like this ever popular Boxing Day event is going ahead this year. So who's going?

Drexx is over.

The Drexx in Essen is closing her doors end of October. So no more mud partys in Essen anymore. 

Anyone in the DC/Balt. general area up for some mud fun?

High head/humidity have settled into the mid-Atlantic, and I don't have to tell anyone on here what it has me preoccupied with...… I know of a couple places, one on the south side of Baltimore, and another between York & Harrisburg in PA. I don't care for solo exploring, and would like some company for doing so. Flexible as to what you like to wear (or NOT wear), and there doesn't have to be anything sexual involved.

London mud on May bank holiday

Over MayDay bank holiday weekend I'll be at the Tough Mudder West London event near Henley, both taking part and volunteering. I'm happy to meet up with anyone who's taking part in the event over the weekend, or even meet up with someone for a muddy session somewhere on the Monday. Message me if interested.


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