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This aint really muddy (but i suppose i could decelop the story)

 Alex was getting home from his work, it had been his first week at the new job and because  of the job he had had to move into a new house which he was sharing with a distant pal Kenneth.
His work had been enjoyable but  hard and he was tired after the day! He was thinking about what was awaiting him at home, what hadn't been done for over a week now, what needed wearing! but untill then had felt it to dangerous doing it with Kenneth in the house
.He'd already had his tea on the way home and when he got in he saw Kenneth sitting in the living room and just said "i'm feelin tired i'm just going to my bed"  
"ok" was the reply
Alex ran up the stairs and into his room feeling brave he went into his wardrobe and reached to the bottom of it and opened a box which had been carefully sealed, he opened it slowly and had a feel at the contents, 2 rubber catsuits! both super skin tight and just  the horniest experience to wear! he pulled the first suit on hardening instantly, this suit just covered his body, it was a slight struggle to get on but he managed it fairly quickly then he reached for his second rubber suit, this one had gloves/socks and a hood and it took him a while to get on but once on, ALex felt hornier than ever! he rubbed himself wishing he'd someone doing it for him.He then got on a couple hivis boilersuits & rigger boots (which were also hidden in cupboards) to complete his image! He enjoyed his own company though and chatting to his likeminded friends on the net. He heard Kenneth going to his bed and felt daring so nipped downstairs (still in full rubber & hivis) just for water but the experience was very exciting for him with the element of danger where Keenny could come through anytime but fortunatly he didn't!
The next morning was Saturday so there was nothing planned. Alex got up out of his bed still in his 2 rubber suits (but without the boilersuits & boots and still feeling daring took off the full suit took out a pair of pyjamas and put them on to hide the underneath catsuit, he then headed down the stairs for his breakfast. with the suit well hidden!! 
Kenny was already downstairs, in the kitchen, Alex walked over saying "Morning" and startedd getting things ready for his breakfast, Kenneth started talking about something that had happened to him the previouse day (funily enough mentioning hivis workwear with the word "overals" being repeated a few times.) Alex stood up after looking in a cupboard and instantly Kenny stopped talking and just looked at Alex, and then tried to continue speaking but sounding rather distracted. after being stared at alex felt something was wrong, he looked down slightly and noticed that a bit of his rubber suit could be seen over his pyjama top!!!! so he adjusted it hoping Kenny wouldnt notice but kenny stopped him 
"GO and sit at the table" said kenny, sounding a bit officious so ALex did, 
At the table kenny pulled a chair round and sat it infront of Alex kenny slowly lifted his hand towards alex and started to pulll Alex's pyjama top up . Alex had a look of fright and was scared stiff as Kenneth had a feel of the rubber alex was wearing Kenneth also had a look of "what on earth is this" on his face but then he withdrew his hand and reached down his own pyjama top and pulled up a rubber hood and zippped it over his head, Alex's face lit up!!!! 
"your a rubber man too he said excitedly"
Yeah i am said Kenneth taking his pyjamas off t reveal the rubber he was wearing. Alex then joint him  and the two rubber men had a cuddle and a but if a feel atht eir gear! but then alex told kenneth about his own full suit so he went upstairs and got his on too! 
Conversations then started it turned out that Kenneth was into his workwear as well and he also said he had a passion for muddying in his gear, Alex  had never gone to the mud before, he always liked his gear clean 
"i've got some things to teach you" said Kenneth


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