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(Fictional) Welling's Best Day Of The Year

This is not a true story.
Welling was standing at the edge of the creek, with his wellies that were still 1 size too big. He noticed right away there was a fairly sized patch of mud about 3 feet to his left. "I must go and record a video in that!", he thought, and almost said it. He rushed back to his car, grabbed his video camera, and ran back to the mud. He started filming.  As his boots started to sink, he felt the mud pressing against his wellies. Soon, he was boot-deep. And he was still filming. Soon, the thick mud was flowing into his boots. "Amazing feeling.", he thought.2 Minutes Later...Welling was on his third attempt to get out after getting about waist-deep. He struggled and struggled until the mud finally let go of his right leg and he was able to get out. When he got home, he uploaded the video to YouTube.Within a day, it got almost 10,000 views.


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