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Do you ever meet randoms when out mudding ?

Thought came to me a few days ago....

I've recently been back to one of the local public parks (not very private) which has recently had some construction going on (they're diverted a brook through) it........
It's been closed for ages, but the plus side is they've made a right mess of it and there is some awesome mud around, and I've pretty much destroyed a pair of ski pants in the last week or so.
The downside is they've now put a proper tarmac path round the edge which is seemingly encouraging more dog walkers and walkers in general.
But I have been wondering if while I'm there whether I'll stumble across anyone doing the same thing as me (getting very muddy) or who likes to do the same thing........I think it would be awesome.
I tend not to let other people see me get muddy although they'll all see the results as I wander around and back to my car.....a runner did catch me doing a massive slide the other day but carried on.
So have you guys ever found someone doing the same as you or commented (hopefully positively) when you've been out and about.... ?


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