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Deep thick heavy mud event.

Went to the Huntspill estuary yesterday hoping the spring tides had bought in plenty of mud. Got there early, dawn just breaking hoping to get there before any dog walkers but 3 turned up while I was trying to get into gear. Firstly on went my rubber 1mm total enclosure drysuit with (penile sheath) then over the top a thin smoothskin wet suit with obvious cut for protrusion, to get the full pleasure and finally a pair of thick rubber socks for protection and protecting the rubber sock.

 Packed bag with clothes  and the full head gas mask with breathing tube then set off on the mile walk to the mud and wowit was amazing no water (well a little stream as the sluice gates were closed) the mud was all that could been seen and was soon in there after hiding clothing bag and jacket. You never know what to expect as the mud varies so much but this time was awesome knee depth on the way down the as bottom at least 3 foot and had a good wallow then carried on investigating different areas looking for the ultimate which is what we all do I guess, my favourite would be 6 to 7 foot but this is quite rare to find but looking you always find somewhere which is irresistable and you end up shooting your load which happened to me after finding this area with the heaviest sticky mud that was really hard to extract from. I just kept working my legs to sink deeper and then reaching out and pulling mud to make me feel deeper and it was so heavy it just stayed where it was placed if i had had a buddy with me to be totally covered like this would have been perfect, anyway it came to a point where the weight down was pushing me to a wood beam right at the edge of the small sluice so had to get out as the pain would have been made worse. 
Trying to pull legs out became impossible due to the heavy weight and suction so had to keep on using hands lift loads of mud before able to extract, I think this was the stickiest ive ever been in bearing in mind I was only wearing rubber socks.
From there i decided to get my semi hard tool out through the outer suit and then went down the bank to the middle of the inlet not trying to get deep but lying and covering whole body in this thick black brown slime wearing the mask became to much of a hinderence so that soon came of and wow the best feeling ever or equal to head under no protection what so ever just making a small hole to allow breathing which was easy as the mud was that thick. its hard to explain but you would have to try to believe and it did not take for juices to flow..................................................
Next time I go ill make sure I take a buddy as a good wallow and roll with a n other would be perfect...
BTW this is a reel life story not a fantasy on 14 April     
Please get in touch if you want to be a n other........     wetsuit


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